Case Study

About the Project
Our team developed a Knack storage solution called Backapps. Automatic backups for Knack data are extracted in CSV files and securely saved onto a private S3 cloud storage outside of Knack’s environment, or onto Google Drive or Dropbox. Users control the date, time, and frequency of the backups. Monthly subscription plans are offered with different account limits.
Dashboard With Your Knack Apps Features
Total files backed-up
Storage consumed
Last run date
Status: active/inactive
Backed Up Files, Deletion, and Manual Run Page
Run it manually or automatically with the
frequency and time you specifyNever run out of Knack storage space by deleting old backups automatically
Activate or deactivate the backup
Option to save data in Google Drive or Dropbox
View the size of the backup file
Configuration page
Define the frequency of the backup runs
Select objects to apply the backup
Choose to include the custom JavaScript and CSS code you have in your app
Specify how many days you want to
keep the old files
Email Notifications
Backapps includes customizable delivery of email notifications upon backup completion.
Billing Plans and Secure Payments
Backapps offers monthly plans that are integrated with Stripe API for secure payments for your Knack storage solution. The bigger the plan, the higher the storage limits. You can also purchase additional storage independent of your plan. The reports visualize the consumption of the plan and its limits. Users receive daily summary reports delivered to their inboxes.
What were the project goals?

1 Project manager
2 Back-end developers
3 Front-end developers
Start of the project – December 2018
Release: December 2018
Development & maintenance: Ongoing
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