UI Design Services | Quality Guaranteed | Soluntech

UI Design & Makeover Services

Improve conversions and user experience with an excellent design

User interface (UI) design is everything users see and interact with in your digital product. An attractive and user-friendly UI can satisfy and motivate new users. On the other hand, a confusing or unappealing UI design can lead users to delete your app.

Although functionality is always above beauty, an application that is not visually appealing will struggle to win new users. If your app isn’t gaining the traction you know it could, it may be time for a facelift.

Soluntech offers professional UI design and makeover services for mobile applications and web solutions. From recommending minor fixes to a total redesign of your existing app’s UI, we keep your product in line with modern design trends without losing sight of functionality or changing the features users love most.

Trust our designers to provide you with the best UI services for your solution. Our combined decades of experience ensure that you get the best balance between form and function.

Our design services

  • Functionality testing across all devices and browsers

  • Clear and concise layouts for optimal usability

  • Attractive UI design services that showcase your branding

  • Reliability and stability

  • Customization of template-made apps

  • Reduced bounce rate and increased conversions

  • Differentiation of your product so it stands out from the competition

Apply user research

The ultimate UI design for your digital product keeps your target audience in mind. At Soluntech, we take your time and budget seriously. We only add design features that are based on thorough user research and demonstrated to increase conversions or improve user satisfaction.

Depending on the product and your business’s needs, we may collect data via surveys, user interviews, usability testing, or user analytics. Taking the time to not only properly research but apply those findings to the UI design will save both time and money in the long run.

With data-driven designs, your UI can amplify your growth. Soluntech’s UI design team also offers consulting services. If your business or start-up is already collecting user data or soon plans to, we can help you define relevant performance metrics. We have the expertise and analytics tools to make necessary adjustments to reflect unexpected data.

Account for growth

When you hire professional UI design services, we understand that business growth is your top concern. We can create UI guidelines for future products or features to ensure a cohesive UI ecosystem for your expanding business. Consistency across a product interface is key to a positive user experience, and it also makes your products more recognizable as yours.

UI design is an often forgotten but crucial aspect in successfully scaling your company. We have experience with industry-specific projects and know how to bring the latest trends and technology to your UI plan.

Why choose Soluntech for UI design

A professional UI design can be the difference between the success or failure of your application in the market. We aren’t just designers. At Soluntch, we combine our experience in consulting and development to understand what users want and how to build it. Our UI services provide end-users with a comfortable and intuitive experience that generates less friction and higher conversion rates in the app.

In addition to our UI design services, talk to us about your UX plan so we can help you create an ideal flow for the user journey. Whether you’re stuck with a problem you can’t solve in a current app or you’re in the ideation phase for a new project, speak with our experts to ensure your app reaches its fullest potential.

We encourage you to browse our case studies to get a feel for our UI design services. We have developed 200 + apps for clients from all industries, so no matter what your application is about, our designers are capable of creating a professional interface. Schedule a free pre-consultation to talk about our UI services or chat with us online to get started.

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