Case Study

About the Project
Everyone has been through the following situation at least once: You want to go to an event, but the day you go to buy the ticket, there is no longer, you buy a resale ticket, and you discover that you were scammed, you paid a lot of money, and the ticket it was fake Bouncr tries to avoid this by making use of blockchain technology.
Bouncr's main objective was to find a solution to the two major problems of the entertainment ticketing industry: the lack of control over the resale industry, which sells tickets to events at very high prices and the organizer has no control over this resale or profits from it, and the other is the ticket counterfeiting to steal and defraud event attendees. The solution to both problems was found in Blockchain technology. Smart contracts allowed the resale to be controlled by the organizer while at the same time ensuring the authenticity of the ticket within the platform.
What were the project goals?
The project's objective was to create a platform where event organizers could sell tickets for their events, ensuring the event's authenticity through NFTs. They also wanted to control the resale and obtain profits from it by using a smart contract. To archive this, the NFT needed to remain on the platform until the event was over and couldn't be sold in another market, such as OpenSea.
The Challenge
The project presented several challenges. The main one was to develop the entire platform in Bubble, since it was wanted to be a no-code development. In addition, we needed to create a smart contract that would control all the interactions on the platform, the creation of events, and the purchase and resale of a ticket.
It was also essential to control the NFT generated at the time of the sale until the event had passed so that it wasn't sold in other markets before the event. It was necessary to find a way to assure users that users would receive their NFT once it was verified they attended the event.
The Results
We created a simple platform that doesn't look very different from other ticket sales platforms. The average user doesn't have to know much about blockchain to navigate it and understand its operation. The event's organizer has full control number of tickets that can be purchased in one sale and the number of times they can be resold. In addition, he can establish the maximum price of the resale and a percentage of profit over it. Finally, the NFT is only delivered with proof of attendance. Only codes scanned at the event entrance receive the NFT corresponding to their ticket, so only event attendees can have it.
Among the many uses of the Blockchain is the authentication of ownership through NFTs. The entertainment industry has been one of the first to use NFTs to control the authenticity of tickets.
The advantages offered by the Blockchain for this type of transaction are an immutable smart contract that will enforce the conditions of the sale as specified. A public record of the sale and resale assures the user of the authenticity of their purchase and ensures ownership of their NFT Ticket. Using NFTs as memorabilia, proof of attendance, or other forms of engagement with the band or artist generates satisfaction and loyalty in users/fans
The desire to create Bouncer as a No-Code development came from our desire to extend the use of this platform amough the company. We wanted to test its limits and knew it was an ideal platform to support Web 3.0 applications and the use of Blockchain technology. Choosing Bubble allowed us total customization of the platform, which helped the platform to look personalized and not as a No-Code development template. Likewise, the necessary integrations work perfectly for selling NFT tickets and smart contract enforcement.
Service Description
Polygon blockchain
Stripe integration
1 Product Owner
1 Blockchain Developer
1 Full-stack developer:
1 UX/UI Designer
Start of the project: May 2022
Status: Ongoing
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Do you want a No-code development in Bubble, or do you need a Web 3.0 application that uses blockchain? Contact us and schedule a pre-consulting meeting to find out how we can help you with your project. See our other case studies for more examples of our development services. Soluntech is known for delivering high-quality, innovative digital products 5 times faster than the industry average.