4 Tips for Software Development for Startups

A team of startup employees working in an open office space

Soluntech is proud to offer award-winning, full-stack, end-to-end software development for startups, as well as small and large businesses. The early stages of a company are fragile—small errors in judgment can have lasting repercussions, or even sink the ship entirely. That’s why it’s important to do some research as you consider software development companies for startups.

Not all software development agencies are the same. Many charge exorbitant fees for low-quality work. On the other hand, you can buy world-class software services at highly competitive rates if you do your due diligence and seek the diamond in the rough.

At Soluntech, we offer superior software services for many reasons. Follow these important tips as you shop around for software development for startups.

1. Explore Portfolios and Blogs

Before you even think about hiring a software developer or agency, spend some time researching their previous work. A talented, well-established development agency (or solo dev) should have a robust portfolio that gives you a clear example of the quality they bring to the table. If you’re not able to view examples of past work, that’s a major red flag.

Software development is inherently a computer-based field, so if the agency doesn’t have a strong online presence, there’s clearly something wrong. Experience is essential to the success of software development for startups. After all, the agency needs to be able to create custom software based on your new company’s unique needs.

If a company isn’t showcasing its work, knowledge, and experience, there’s a good chance that they’re still developing their methodologies. While that might be okay for some simple projects, it’s not ideal for startups that are implementing their first software solutions. As a startup, it might be tempting to support other new businesses and entrepreneurs, but your software is the heart and soul of your company—it’s vital that you put the needs of your company first when considering software development for your startup.

The best software development companies for startups will have case studies for you to view. If their work doesn’t sell itself, it’s best to move along.

2. Check Ratings and Reviews

A group of startup employees looking at a laptop computer

There are quite a few reputable websites where clients can rate and review software developers. Before you sign a contract, take the time to browse those websites and see what past and current clients have to say. Even a quick Google search should reveal plenty of information—for better or for worse.

Soluntech has 5 stars on Clutch and 4.9 stars on Glassdoor. We also won the Clutch Top 100 Company for Fast Growth. As you can see, you simply can’t go wrong with our team when selecting software development for startups! We go above and beyond to keep our clients happy and form lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with them. Don’t take our word for it—check our client testimonials.

3. Choose an Agency With Experience in Your Field

Not all software developers are well-rounded. Many specialize in very specific industries or niches. For example, an agency that focuses heavily on cyber security probably wouldn’t be the best choice if you’re looking to build a custom app.

Before you start contacting agencies, make sure you know exactly what your goals are. A good agency will be able to bring your vision to life and elevate it higher than you anticipated.

While our team can certainly offer top-quality software development for startups, we’ll be the first to decline if we’re not 100% confident that we can bring true value to your project. Your time is valuable, and ours is too. When talking to software development companies for startups, be wary if they don’t take the time to learn about your company and project in-depth.

Besides our stellar work in general, the reason why Soluntech has a 91% project success rate is that we only choose projects that align with our skills and experience. On average, our clients enjoy a staggering 21x ROI in just two years. We aim to keep that figure intact, so rest assured that we won’t accept projects unless we know we’re the right team for the job.

4. Make the Most of Your Budget

A person analyzing charts and graphs on a tablet

There’s no denying that software development for startups can be a significant (and necessary) expense. Startups usually have limited budgets, so getting the most value for your dollar is critical. At the same time, low-quality software is a poor investment at any price.

Don’t assume that you're saving money because you pay less up-front—bad software is only going to hurt you in the short and long term, and if your company survives it, you’ll end up replacing it anyway.

Soluntech offers top-quality software development for 80% less than other software development companies for startups. Your first impression might be that that sounds too good to be true. However, we’re able to drastically reduce the cost of software development for startups by using low-code platforms like Knack.

In other words, we use existing tools whenever possible—there’s no need to reinvent the wheel if there are already viable, low-cost solutions readily available. Our devs are more than happy to write custom code from scratch when necessary, but we’ll always take the more affordable route as long as it doesn’t affect the quality of the project. As an added benefit, this approach also means we deliver the end result 10x faster than other agencies. That’s a win-win for everyone!

Let’s Talk

As a startup, the partnerships you form now can shape your company for years to come. If you’re looking into software development for startups, we invite you to schedule a free pre-consultation meeting so we can determine if we’re the right fit for your project. Ready to take your new business to the next level? Let’s make it happen together. Brainstorm with an expert now.

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