Last Login and Logout (Object Based)
Want to know the last time a user logged in to your Knack app?
This feature is usually implemented to keep track of the users who use the application, especially the period of time in which a session lasts.
Knack applications allow you to implement authentication forms simply and quickly, however when establishing a control or audit on the logins or log outs that are constantly running within the application, you must resort to the help of JavaScript for that end. Below we list a series of steps that will serve as a guide for the implementation of these logs:
1. Create a new object in the database: Although the object can have any number of fields, it is recommended that it have at least three fields: Email, Date / Time and Action (Multiple Choice = Login or Logout).
2. Add the following lines of code within the API & Code section:
var LOGIN_PAGE = false; var LOGIN = false;
// Set Knack Info for your app var KNACK_HEADERS = { 'X-Knack-Application-ID': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'X-Knack-REST-API-Key': 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' };
// Change object_XX for Login Log object ID var objectId = 'object_XX'; // Login actions $(document).on('knack-scene-render.any', function (event, scene) { LOGIN_PAGE = ($('.kn-login').length == 1) ? true : false; if (LOGIN_PAGE) { LOGIN = false; $('input[type="submit"]').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); LOGIN = true; $('form').submit(); }); } else { if (LOGIN) { LOGIN = false; var user = Knack.session.user; // Create record log $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: KNACK_HEADERS, url: Knack.api_url + '/v1/objects/' + objectId + '/records', data: { field_XXX:, // Change field_XXX for Email field ID field_YYY: 'Login' // Change field_YYY for Action field ID } }); } } }); // Logout actions $(document).on('knack-scene-render.any', function (event, scene) { // Check is already authenticated if (!Knack.session.user) { return; } $('.kn-log-out').on('click', function () { var user = Knack.session.user; // Create record log $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: KNACK_HEADERS, url: Knack.api_url + '/v1/objects/' + objectId + '/records', data: { field_XXX:, // Change field_XXX for Email field ID field_YYY: 'Logout' // Change field_YYY for Action field ID } }); }); });
And on this object you can use different native Knack components such as tables, reports or graphs.
We’re sure this will come in handy on all your projects.
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